Posts Categorized: Content

Bonaparte wasn’t wrong… Reminds me of that “Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt”, but I fear it’s too late for me. BUT… we’re in the double digits! 990 Continue Reading…

“We can make Sandwiches”, or “Snapshots of a moment of human existence that isn’t about Lindsey Graham”. OH MAN I gotta say I am enjoying the Gaetz stuff. “HOW DARE I SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS!?” Some Continue Reading…

Sharlken Barkem Nargotam! Making up words is easy when you listen to drunken writers and comedians speak in tongues to do invocations against REALLY mean and sassy skeletons. Speaking of that fact, know Continue Reading…

At 44, just realized that the phrase “The Pot Calling the Kettle Black” is that the pot thinks the kettle is black because the black pot is reflecting off the kettle’s stainless steel surface. Also, It’s Continue Reading…

Burnt out moment on content, we’re struggling to find stuff we’re excited about. After S5 of Better Call Saul, we’ll be in some trouble. And movies aren’t a thing… we’ve not been able to find and pick Continue Reading…