“Here’s an idea – stop complaining and move, douchebag.” – realistic guy

To *THIS* I say…..

I see why, realistic guy, you are grumpy and direct, home alone at 8pm on a Friday, errantly surfing blogs to and fro. I wonder if you are the man from the underground, and these are your acerbic notes. Dostoevsky needs a modern compatriot. But alack…. tis not this simple.

a) We simply cannot move. Logic plays a part, dear friend. 2 bedrooms aren’t in our budget, and any 1 bedroom we find i) costs 30% more, ii) in a less safe neighborhood, iii) with less overall space in the apartment. In this, we are sort of stuck, of sorts, in our rent controlled hell. I am quite suspicious of rent control at this point, and wonder if landlords had the onus to keep their buildings desirable while letting the market control the rent price.

b) *WHY* should we flee like cowards from a decent apartment simply because a landlord refuses his legal responsibility? How are scruples, self-love, enterprise, intention and principles the larger gears at the apex of this machine called douchebaggery? I might suggest that it is the commentator, the modern underground man (and you are… indefinite and infinite. I can smell you from here), that in the advent of hipsters and the likes of you…. you own and control the nature of douchebag, and you, my friend, will be best to cast that stone as you have rubbed it smooth in your rugged palm. If I am this douchebag, then it will be you who knows best from deeply profound personal experience.

c) Maybe it the plight of your people, East of Market, writhing in your own insecurities and lack of control in your own life you stab at fashion through repackaged minutia like buttons and beliefs…. but you obviously do not *stand* for anything. I hesitate to lash out… but I assume you have rarely followed through with anything less this one single comment, and your tired wit bores even your prattling fingers, at times. If you enjoy the human experience from behind a screen, I envy you as I cannot fathom myself into that corner as of yet. We look for apartments, we also do right by right’s sake. Something you will never understand…. to flee like scummy cowards into the night and afford what’s right by us where others would scramble to fill the stipend, or still others languish in a pool of deceit and mouse droppings. It’s ludicrous to leave your family and community floundering in any way, and it is true….

We do what’s right, and you shall not understand. It is the nature of things, at times, and it is the very nature of how I end this response. Some things do not deserve countenance or rejoinder. Some things are an experiment in words that you do not deserve. In this case, entirely too much has been written so that you may think it’s yours, or your sock puppet troll might have won.

But in the end, these words and thoughts are mine, and you sit there slack shouldered feeding off the glow of anonymous misery.

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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