We’re not there yet, but Carl Zimmer was on City Arts and Lecture last night, and he said we are going to have to wrestle with significant bioethical concerns, sooner than not. It will only be for rich people he said…. most will struggle through life normally, like the old world, and then there will be the elite class. It reminds me of that William Gibson anarchistic quote, “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed”.

So… You can program DNA, and you can REPROGRAM flawed DNA. IE copy an unhealthy gene, paste the healthy one over it, and the new one takes it’s place.
They aren’t just saying this is something that could reshuffle the puzzle of aging and solve it, but you could make a kid with down syndrome normal, or just replace the cancer cells with clean ones, etc. You can *REPAIR* cystic fibrosis, IE CURED. Sickle Cell Anemia? Cured.  Any single faulty gene….. this is just the start.  You’ll hear so much more about this, I thought I would share…..
NPR 8 min story

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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