If a single human was mentally deranged enough to kill for their psychotic and unhinged interpretation of reality, we would call them insane, right? Why does religion get the veil of protection from the light of truth?
I was saying this AM “Part of being an adult is acting mature when your feelings are hurt. Violence against Free speech is a mentally deranged insanity.”
The shooting: The group planned it a long time ago, tho. They hadn’t even done a cartoon about Isis or anything until the very morning of that crazy coordinated attack…. so it was brewing and stewing and not forgotten from cartoons from some time ago.
I am fearful of how dangerously and precariously anti-scientific people are getting.  Like the whole need for false equivalency… it’s dangerous to air people’s psychotic opinions as if they are fact.  I also worry much more about the apologists…. During the Cenk and Sam Harris sit-down (3 hours, good stuff), they spoke about something like 94% of Euro Muslims sympathize in some small way. Who knows stats being accurate, but that’s absolutely astonishing to me.

Pew Research has Muslim pop @ 1.6B, 7% stat comes from a website about Entering Islam, citing a defunct Gallup Poll link: https://encounteringislam.org/misconceptions#5
So only 7% of Muslims are extremist? I am *not* sure that is “violent” plus “ethical relativist apologist”, but if Pew Research’s 1.6Billion number is right, that’s 112,000,000 extremist radicals. That’s millions, not thousands. That’s insane. It’s like there’s going to be a huge schism or moment where it’s very plainly science world view vs believers. The last great holy war?
Or I am being dramatic. I just hate the people that willfully ignore the data to conveniently fit belief systems.  In my estimation, a “religion of peace” that has 7% of it’s population radicalized, approximately the same size as 1/3 of the US, aren’t doing a very good job at being clear on the teachings…. but, well…..
Some think religion won’t survive the internet, just as democratization happened when the clergy and elite lost control of the printing press.
I just think it would be kick ass if people could exchange ideas, and words, without freaking the fuck out and beheading someone.
The deleted tweet but profoundly frightening face of ethical relativism:
deleted tweet ethical relativist
Cartoonist’s Response:

About Uncle Fishbits

I'm.. just this guy, you know?

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