Posts Categorized: brands

A new concept, to some extent… seasonal viral videos. Things that get passed around each year, some more worthy than others. Santasm is another one that is near and dear to my aching, creeped out heart. Continue Reading…

The more brands you wear, the less *you* are defined, and the more you are owned.  We’re all guilty with aligning with brands, it’s natural.  But what does it mean? Brand: Brand may also refer Continue Reading…

Amazon patented a system that let’s you stop bad gifts from shipping & convert the dollar amount to other gifts. THIS – whether you like it or not – is an advancement towards a simpler life Continue Reading…

Could it be? Is it possible?  Opaque Governments as well?  Are we re-writing history? SocMed= uniform amalgamation of facts, info, data = overrides authoritarian control = dismantling unfounded belief Continue Reading…